frequently asked questions

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How And When Do I Get The Value For My Agency, And What Does My Revenue Look Like During The Partnership?

The IPA partnership is customized to fit the agent and their agency’s situation. Your RevShare contract will be drafted by IPA and YOU as a team. Contact us to start designing your agency’s package today.

Are You Looking To Acquire My Agency And Then Push Me Out?

No, we want YOU to stay on and run your agency autonomously. The P in IPA stands for partnership. We are looking for agency owners that want to partner with us for the balance of their careers.

Can We Keep Our Agency's Name And Branding As It Is Now?

Yes, we want YOU to run your agency as you always have.

Do Any Past Or Current Affiliations Of My Agency Prohibit Me From Partnering With IPA?

No, IPA can form a partnership with any and all agencies.

February 2023

It all starts with
a conversation.

Let's Connect.


1101 Penn Avenue, Suite A
Scranton, PA
(800) 574-3106
[email protected]